Reduce, At Least

Years ago, I read a very cool article about making New Year’s resolutions. I may still have the article in my archive somewhere; that would be an interesting find. Anyway, the author said that instead of adding more things to do during the year with our New Year’s resolutions, we should resolve to reduce the things that we do. This would lead to a happier life.

As we approach the beginning of 2023-and I never thought we’d get this far, thinking back in the late 1960s that the year 2001 (as in A Space Odyssey) was too far into the distant future to even contemplate—I am looking at ways to reduce what I’m doing. That’s the topic of Audio Chimera Episode #60.

However, the new year to-do list is already being created. Add into the mix a new kitten, Katia, and, well, maybe reducing isn’t going to happen. (I’m typing this on my phone with a stylus in my right hand and a sleepy kitty on my left. See photo below.) We’ll see how that goes.

Meanwhile, enjoy Episode #60, likely the shortest of them all. It’s also the last episode of 2022 and the conclusion of Season 5. And have a happy new year!

And here’s looking at you, kitten!

Published by stephenschrum

Associate Professor of Theatre Arts; interested in virtual worlds, playwrighting, and filmmaking. Now creating a podcast called "Audio Chimera."

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